

Mr. Wasser's Webquest. Lets see if you payed attention.




You are a aspiring scientist, you need to answer a required question form on what you know in order to get a job at the International Science Laboritories. You are filling out this form for a new company and they also need to determine how well you can find information of the internet, then apply what you've learned to your job.



Take out a pen or pencil and complete each question on the form given to you.

You will find all the information that you you have not learned in the websites given to you under resources and elauation.

After completing the form, turn it in. Then continue to read through the website and prepare to complete the conclusion.



#4 Hint







To further show your understanding of chemisty, complete the experiment below and record it on video. The finished, edited video will act as your lab report. Remember to include all the required information; Problem, materials, method, results and conclusion. Be Creative!



Take out three glasses. Add one cup of ice water to one of the glasses. Add one cup of room temperature water to the second and one cup of warm water to the last.

Add one teaspoon of sugar to the ice water, then stir. Record how long it take for the sugar to dissolve. Do the same with the remaining glasses.



1. Which glass dissolved the sugar the fastest?

2. Which glass took the longest to dissolved?













































© 2005 DPS January 4, 2006













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