In this Webquest, you will learn what adjectives and adverbs are. You will also learn how to make sentences using them. Below are some examples:



^gigantic * lightly^

foggy * safely

fearless * madly

silent * silently

black * perfectly


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Your task is to add adjectives and adverbs into the sentences given to you. However, you must first understand what these two parts of speech are. You can do this by clicking on the links listed under resources/evaluation.

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1) First you must click on the links below and read about adjectives and adverbs.

2) Next you click on the worksheet links and print them out.

3) Then you complete the worksheets using the knowledge you have gained about adjectives and adverbs from the links.

4) Finally, you must write a 5 to 10 sentence paragraph using 4 adjectives and 4 adverbs with Microsoft Word.

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Adjectives Worksheet:

What is an Adjective?


Adverbs Worksheet:

What is an Adverb?


Adjectives Links:

Adjective Worksheet

Adverbs Links:

Adverb Worksheet

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I hope that from this Webquest you haved learned what adjectives and adverbs are, and the difference between the two. Now that you are done with the worksheets, please open up Microsoft Word and complete a 5 to 10 sentence paragraph using 4 adjectives and 4 adverbs.

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© 2005 KEG 12/21/05