By: Wayne Rich & Mr. Boire




Liquid Crystals are used in many household products now. Some react to heat or electricity and have a visible change in color...



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You are a designer who has been instructed by their boss to come up with a product using a liquid crystal format. In the creation of this product you will want to consider the following:

  • What do liquid crystals react to and how can this be applied to a profitable product?
  • What daily process might liquid crystals be applied in order to make the process easier for consumers?
  • Will this product be proven profitable before completion?
  • Will this product be improved from a product already developed or will it be fully original?

You are able to use but are not limited to the considerations listed above, be creative and remember that you are trying to gain a profit and work your way up the corperate ladder. Make a useful, profitable product.


  1. 1. Use the links provided to research what liquid crystals are and how they are commonly used.
  2. 2. Fill out the Introduction to Liquid Crystals worksheet in the Resources/Evaluations section.
  3. 3. Create a product or find a product you can modify with liquid crystals to make a profit.
  4. 4. Fill out the Designer's Product worksheet which is also available in the Resources/Evaluations section.
  5. 5. Create a six slide presentation using Power Point to present your product.

If these worksheets have not been printed and handed out to you before you started this webquest simply and quietly print them out to record your research on them. They are both available in the Resources/Evaluations section of this webquest.




Liquid Crystals worksheet

Designer's Product worksheet


Using the information you've gained through this webquest create a Power Point Project to present your new liquid crystal product to your "employers". You will want to use your desinger's worksheet to help you create your presentation. The Power Point Project should be able to illustrate the functions of your product and should advertise its benefits as if you were selling it. Try to persuade your audience to buy this product through this Power Point.





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